The Coast Guard once again denied our paperwork, rejecting the Bill of Sale again between the previous two owners. Brett took over the phone calls and we sent another batch of paperwork and checks to them. It will be two more months before hear anything again... But we will keep battling the red-tape. Next denial, we will be pursueing professional help.

Brett has painted the liner (ceiling) and it has turned out absolutely amazing. It made such a huge difference in the boat.. Here is a before and after..

We talk every day, several times (Thank you, mom, for the family plan!). Being away from each other has been extremely difficult for both of us. We have learned a lot about what each other means to us and how much we need each other in many ways. It's been a long 5 weeks and we still have another 4 weeks... But this has worked out well for the boat and for me to visit the family. A valuable lesson learned for me though, is that Home is not where I grew up. Home is where I feel most like me. And that is with Brett. Wherever that may be Many of my family and friends have told me they see a difference in me and my attitude and my physical health. The change in lifestyle has definitely been an improvement. Being in Oregon the last month has shown me that I am truly happiest with Brett and working on the boat. I have gotten tied back into the daily rush of city life and I am tired, stressed and lonely for Brett.
Even through the boundness of city life, I am so grateful to see my family and friends again. And to be back in my beautiful state of Oregon. I went camping last weekend with my aunt and uncle up the McKenzie river and just had a magnificent time! The old growth forest smelled spectacular and looked beautiful. I so missed the ferns and the clear blue water and the hugeness of the old growth all around me.
I have been spending a lot of time with my mom and my grandparents and am so happy to. They have all missed us and are glad to have me back a little while. I am staying with my grandparents while here and have spent a lot of time with them. They are good friends and loving people. I am enjoying the precious extra time I have with them.
My brother's stepson has left for the military this month. It has been difficult to let him go at such a intense time for the military. But we pray often for him that he stays strong and stays himself. I hope the Army is everything he wanted it to be for his life.
Well I just wanted to update everyone on Brett's progress on the boat. Enjoy the pictures, there are more under my PICTURES link, starboard of this log. (To the right)