Work has slowed down on Benevolence. It's been raining and our income is almost nothing. We are gearing up for a show this weekend. We did purchase our holding tank, y-valve and shower shump gear to start installing the head hardware. Unfortunately the hose is the biggest expense.
We refocused and came up with a finishing list and a project list for wet vs dry days. It was nice to see it on paper (for me) and that we can actually list what needs to be done. Before, the list was endless. Below is our initial "left-to-do" list and parts list. I'm sure there will be more but this gave us an idea on what to focus on.
Last night we went for our walk and noticed someone on the ol' steel boat. We've always loved the steel boat, it's big and a world cruiser but no one has been seen near it for years. We always tell each other that the lights we see on it are just reflections from the steet light but this time I said, "No, Brett. There are actually people on that boat!"

I enjoyed meeting them and was stimulated by their cruising talk for the first time since meeting Charl. It is always so neat to talk to real cruisers who have been there. People who had no engine but went anyway on their 42 foot steel boat. People who had crew utterly ill and couldn't help. The captain (Jack) broke his arm and continued on to Galveston, taking 7 days!! And they never called the Coast Guard or turned around.
Anyway, I could have stayed there all night and listened to them and asked them questions. But Brett was tired and needed a cigarette. oh well. He is used to cruisers and I am so new. But it was a really neat meeting and I hope to meet others with this kind of cruising experience. They told us they will probably end up selling the ol' steel boat soon. She is a great boat with a great story.
I have been trying to find a costume for our victorian show in December. It's been a challenge as victorian costumes appear to be quite expensive. But the search continues....
Elecrical System
wood trim
cabinet and drawer fronts
fill and paint head liner
instal water tanks
sew fabric stuff
paint bilge
install pumps
deck fittings
tracks, water and waste fittings, engine vents, solar vents,stand up blocks,
install hinges for cockpit seats
install hinges for propane locker
repair teak floor
install compass/instruments
clean and repair sails
install antennas
finish varnishing toe rails
rebuild transmission
fuel intake
install engine
shelf for water heater
shelves for tools
shelf over steering
install holding tank
install water heater
install head faucets
freshwater plumbing
install shower sump
overhall toilet
install toilet
install shower drain cover
install sink
macerator pump
build cabinets
install sink and faucets
install counter tops
Install foam insulation in galley
build table top/attach to leg
finish nav table
install electronics (VHF, radar, stereo,
speed and depth finders, autopilot)
repair and clean sails
lubricate the mast
attach the windex
attach nav lights
spreader boots
connectors, bus bars, solder, zip ties, outlets
lights (8 swivel under the cabinets-
2 led red/white), 3 under the cabinet flourescent
teak/holly ply,varnish,screws,
pressure treated ply for sub-floor, glue
teak,glue, mahogany ply, varnish, screws
teak wood,glue,varnish
rustoleum primer
hoses, water tanks, valves
dodger,bimini,sail covers, cockpit
cushions, salon cushions-fabric, thread, zippers, etc
2 large pumps- 1800 gph, hoses
5200,bolts,vents,blocks,wood for chocks
chocks for spinnaker pole,
mid ship cleats, dinghy chocks,winches
rebuild the hatch and refinish the rest
sail tape
Engine:bearing, new seals, starter, altenator
insulation for engine room
wood, paint,screws
hoses, valves
water heater, heat exchanger hoses,
tp valve plumbing, etc
hoses,shower head and hose
overhall kit, parts
drain cover
head sink, foot pump faucet,hoses, shower,etc
macerator pump
birch ply
galley sink, foot pump faucets
electric faucets, hoses
insulation foam
curtain hangers, fabric for curtains
cover or use sheets
wood, varnish, paint
flat screen tv with dvd
sail tape, thread, hanks?
nav lights for bow
leather and thread
wind vane