We're still here in Oregon. The weather is changing so much. I don't remember such a beautiful fall as we're having now. The trees' leaves have never been so red and gold. The air has never been so crisp. I love it. It has been very dry. Beautiful.
We talked with Keith this week and our boat is doing good.

We've also changed our homeport on our documentation to Springfield, OR so our boat has our long time home on it. We've been wanting Oregon on it for a long time and it feels so good to have it changed.
I sent off our GPS to be repaired earlier this month and found out yesterday that they had mailed it back on the 9th so it sounds like it is lost in the mail. Unbelievable. But luckily, Garmin said they'd replace the unit if it was lost in the mail. Thank goodness.
Brett has slowed on his progress of stopping smoking. He ended up having a bad reaction to the Chantrix and had to stop taking it. But he is planning on trying it again in December before our
big Christmas trip to Montana. We've planned a wonderful trip on the train to Whitefish, Montana for Christmas!! It will be so beautiful in the snow! Whitefish is close to the Glacier Natl Park. We are renting a car from the fabulous Duck Inn that I found online and hoping to drive to the park on one of the days we are there. I am hoping that Brett will go skiing at Big Mountain as well. We will be right on top of the resort and I can't see how he could pass it up! I am not a skiier but he is getting me a massage at a spa for my birthday there so I'll probably hang out at the spa and shop while he skiis. If he doesn't ski, we'll just go snowshoeing in Glacier Natl Park. We are SO excited. And feel SO spoiled. But Brett really wanted a special trip for him since he has worked SO hard these last two years.

We had PFS week at work last week. Wednesday was Pepper Day so I pulled out my clay at 930pm and whipped up some cute little peppers! Then I attached them to satin cord and jump rings and made a matching set of pepper jewelry for the day. It was so much fun!
Our cabin has been getting invaded with Ladybugs for a week! I came home last Tuesday and found at least 200 ladybugs all over the ceiling and front door!!! It was incredible! I spent about an hour sweeping them up and throwing them out the back door. I came back from my walk and found another 50 or so to sweep out. Since then, we've had dozens regularly coming in. Brett's new cleaning duty is to "sweep the ladies". LOL
I have been getting ready for our jewelry shows coming up. I ended up cancelling the huge Portland show that was for two weekends. It was very stressful and very expensive. So I am trying to get into my old, small Leaburg bazaar that Grandpa and I used to do. I am hoping to also participate at the show at work.
We are very happy with our progress and can't wait to return to our adventure on Benevolence.