Enjoy our adventures with us!

Join us on our journey as we rebuild and prepare Benevolence for offshore cruising!

We have recently created a new website to share our adventure with you at www.benevolentwanderings.weebly.com Go to the LOGBOOK page to find our blog.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Do you like the change?

I changed the blog template, let me know which one you like better (the old one or this new one).

This last weekend, we found out from the Coast Guard that the bill of sales have problems between the previous owner and the owner before him. Uh oh.... I was feeling extremely depressed and discouraged about it but we got the paperwork sent back in again quickly. I found an additional page of the Bill of Sale so hopefully they'll accept it... We have to have the documentation for the boat before we can get state registration. We have to have one or the other to sail. So I am feeling uneasy because it has been impossible to try and contact the previous owner or the owner before him, even. I was able to find an address for the owner before Jose, so I sent off a Certified letter to him, hoping that he it will find him and he can do a new bill of sale to Jose...

We also received our new wire for the rigging. We had to order one huge wire with a new turnbuckle and eyes. It cost over $200 but now we have the last wire replaced. All the other wires had been replaced at some point, this was the one that had not been. The turnbuckle had been missing a piece on the old wire and we noticed that it was stressed. So got a new one. Luckily it was our shortest wire to have to replace. The other ones would probably be over $300-400 each.

We are preparing to step the mast in a couple weeks. Brett got the chainplates done and everything else needed. Now we are ready to paint it. Unfortunately, our painting days run right into Memorial Day weekend. The park was wanting us to work on Friday due to the amount of arrivals. But they don't need us till the afternoon so we are going to try and paint in the morning. We'll see how it goes.

We are doing okay otherwise. It's getting difficult to live in this camper and I have the "home" bug bad. I want to fly home for a visit but know I really can't afford to. But I will try to focus on the boat and getting the mast up.

The park got a new internet service and the internet has been working great since. The new computer works well for the internet and has a beautiful screen. I still have not been able to get my external hard-drive of 149Gb of information on it to work. I don't know what happened... I hope that I can get it fixed and salvaged by a computer technician. (Ray, can you help?) :)

I need to head off to work. Hope all is well with everyone. Miss you all.

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