We have ended up with a car for me to drive around. It seems to run really good and it is so nice to have something to drive around!
We have discovered a windvane to purchase from another boat friend that we are so excited about.

Brett has gotten the dodger built (the windshield for the cockpit). The sunbrella we ended up with is light purple. He is building a bimini right now- We have one (the blue canvas in all the pictures) but it is old and has micro holes in it. We are redoing all the canvas in this light purple sunbrella. It's not pretty but very functional and very inexpensive due to the color of it. Once we repaint the hull white have all the canvas purple, it will look much better than it does now. We laugh so much as we have a blue hull, yellow windows, a red wind generator and purple canvas. LOL We've already been named "The Palacios Plum" which I will draw a picture of on her bow

Brett has done a lot more mini projects to make our cruising more pleasant. He has installed a paper plate dispenser, 12v fan, kerosene lantern and many other small items. I stained our basket weave plates to match our boat. That was fun. Except I got stain splatter all over the cockpit!! OOPS!!! I also had wrapped the compression post with ropework.

We have made the decision to head toward the Yucatan rather than the Bahamas. We will go up to Galveston and then cut South down to the Yucatan. We are hoping to start cruising the end of this year, Sept/Oct/Nov, after the hurricane season.

We were also able to purchase and install our binnacle compass.

I am trying to gear up my jewelry online again. We will not be showing anymore due to lack of space on the boat.
We have only sailed two times since my last post. We tried out the genoa and then the second time was just the main with a lot of chop out there on the water. The boat handles well in those conditions so far. We haven't tried her in heavier weather yet. Living aboard makes it difficult to properly store everthing when underway while we are still so unfinished (no drawers, cabinet doors, etc).
Hope everyone is well.
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