Last week, Charl used his boat for the La Salle reinactment for Palacios on July 3rd. It was really pretty with the flags on it. A strong Southerly blew threw right when they were to do the reinactment. There was even a water spout sighting! All the fisherman raced into the marina in their boats. The reinactment finally took place around 3pm instead of 11am.
We made the decision last week to tie up loose ends and head on out of Palacios this weekend. We will be heading up the ICW toward Florida and eventually South. Brett has worked feverishly on getting projects done and I have spent extensive time reading and provisioning the boat with stores. I also was able to put up some of the insect screens on the hatches.
We did buy a french press and tea pot to keep our coffee addiction satisfied. I've spent the last six years planning and studying provisioning and continue to study Good Boatkeeping and Care and Feeding Of the Crew as I stuff pudding and rice in the hanging locker, toilet paper under the sink and spare lightbulbs in the bulkhead cabinets.
Our hammock over the sink is stuffed full of CLIFF bars, cinnamon rolls, pretzels, raisins and gingerbread men.
I bought enough for our ICW trip and will buy more when we prepare to go offshore. (ie. syringes, iodine, CPR respiratube, enemas, etc)
We've bought seasickness remedies of three different types. I got a pr of seabands, Bonine and Dramamine (generic) because I don't know what will work best. I am hoping to get the behind-the-ear patches at the pharmacy here in town. I also stocked up Little Debbie's Gingerbread Men and GingerSnaps.
We also weren't able to find the "2nd Skin" burn pads at Walmart and I am hoping to find those here at the pharmacy as well. Otherwise, I may have to have someone mail them to us. Brett believes the 2nd Skins to be very important after his incident in Utah with massive blisters. (That's another story).
We sold the car to a fellow Oregonian for $100. The water pump had gone out. We bought a new water pump and she got that, too. What a deal. We are hoping to get the truck/camper sold by Saturday. We are snagging our mattress out of the camper -It is a memory foam mattress we bought at Walmart years ago and it's been wonderful for our backs. We plan to cut it up and use it for cockpit cushions!

Both of us have struggled with bad backs for awhile. Mine has really been bad this last week. I think with some rest, it will eventually heal...
We lost our autopilot, it quit working and cannot be repaired. This was a big setback but we'll just keep moving forward. We have an amazing amount of hardware we did NOT think we'd have such as a wind generator, windvane, radar, inverter, refrigerator, and of course, the generator and air conditioner that Eddie just gave us. With all the gear, the poles, the dinghy, the bikes, the bbq, the windvane and other gadgets, our boat has definitely transformed into a cruiser.
We have been slowly saying Good Bye to our good friends. It has been impossible to accept the fact we are leaving our friends forever. I never knew it would be so hard. The people we've met here have been absolutely amazing....
Rebecca, Ann and their daughters made me the cutest gifts out of clay including clay cinnamon roll earrings, clay hippo earrings, fuschia glass earrings and little clay turtles. So cute and sweet! My friends are very sad and do NOT want us to leave... It's been incredibly difficult to say good-bye to them... They have been amazing friends... Everyone at ACE Hardware gave me a brilliant good-bye and lasting memories. Some of the greatest people I've ever met....
It's also been unbearable to say good-bye to Dennis... he has been phenomonal to us and helped us immensely with our goals. His support and graciousness have been amazing and his friendship will be greatly missed...
I'll write more soon... We will be anchoring or tying up at a marina every night as we head down the InterCoastal Waterway so we'll have our phone and hopefully some internet along the way...
Thank you ALL so much for your support that you've given us these last few years.
Stay tuned for more...
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