Catching up on the blogs...

We got up at 7am and left by 930am. Immediately leaving the protected harbor, we faced SE winds with chop. As the waves increased as we got closer to the open part of the sound, things started looking "green". With some ginger pills and armbands, I was able to barely put off getting sick. Brett was a trooper and kept watch as the autopilot expertly steered us on our course. We both maintained an eye on the chart on the computer and I made kept him filled with hot coffee. We put our foul weather gear on, it was cold! Benny got sick, even with dramamine, but was fine

afterward and slept most the rest the way. We were both having flashbacks of our trip on a friend's boat in the Matagorda bay with the boat pounding against the water and the water splashing over the boat into the cockpit. Thank god for Brett's dodger!!!

After several hours, we noticed the seas lighten as we made our way pass barrier islands. Only when there was a break in the islands did it kick up again. It was a long slog but we came out shining. We anchored at Dauphin Island just as it was getting dark. Our new Manson anchor set quickly and held fast. I discovered my side of the vee berth soaked and we discovered a leaking stanchion base. Brett went outside to inspect. We had had a fender (bumper) fall off the deck early on and the force of the water on it throughout the day had pulled the stanchion loose from the base, causing water to pour in. So we have our first Gulf injury on the boat. But all in all, Benevolence performed marveously. She didn't pound near as bad as some boats do (only a few times did I think the keel was going to push up through the floor!). She plowed her way through.

The auto pilot did most the driving and worked maginficently. We ended up motoring the whole way due to East winds right on our nose the whole day. UGH. But the motor is also working brilliantly, especially with the alternate prop we had on hand. Whew. We had a successful trip and are getting closer to warmer weather and clearer water. Hopefully calmer water too!
Our next stop will be Pensacola.
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