I've not written in awhile and need to catch up with all the great things going on with the boat. I have about a week's worth of information to share, I'm sorry this is so long but I hope you enjoy. I'm sorry I don't have photos. I do have some but I can't get my computer to read my camera once again. I am buying a card reader this next payday.
I have started helping Eddie with his boat, cleaning the interior and exterior. I will also be doing his woodwork. He wanted help and wants to pay me better than when I worked for Charl. I was happy to do it. I enjoy working on boats much more than in the office. It keeps me active and the boats look nice. I have found it hard to make time to do it but I am wanting to. So far I cleaned the interior last week and I scrubbed the deck this week. I tried getting some of the marrs off of it as well . Dennis had told me about this stuff called "Bar Keeper's Friend". He showed me a stanchion he used it on and it cleaned right up to a shine. So I got some and tried it on the mars on the fiberglass. Worked like a charm! Amazing stuff!!
Randy also asked me to clean his boat and open it up once in awhile. He is planning on selling it. He said I could take it off my debt for the dinghy! Wow, things are working out sooo nice.. We feel so blessed and spoiled by the generosity of everyone here at Serendipity... It truly is a Serendipity.
We have done a lot to the boat the last couple weeks. The rub/toe-rails are on and varnished with one coat so far. The hand-rails are also mounted and just need plugs in the screw holes.
Brett primed and painted the cockpit. What a difference it made! It needs another coat or two but it looks better than it did.
Last week we mounted the windlass and the cleats Mom and Dave had bought Brett for Christmas. Dennis called the new cleats, windlass and chocks "jewelry" for the boat. I thought that was cute. Brett also mounted the bow pulpit to the wood at the front of the boat. He also installed hinges and a latch for the anchor locker door. Everything looks beautiful in its shiny stainless steel sparkle.
We found out that stepping the mast onto the boat has been moved up our priority list. We made a list of things we needed to do to get the mast put on the boat.
Finishing the cockpit was one of the biggest priorities so we could get the mast on the boat. We got the truck/camper ready for travel to the storage unit. Brett had not started the truck since January and we were worried about its performance.
It took me about an hour to put everything away that had accumulated during these last 4 months. As we were getting ready to leave, Eddie came over from his boat and gave us some marine supplies he had lying around. He gave us a brass kerosene lamp, bumpers for the dock, several small sanders and much more. We couldn't believe the generosity of the people here we've met and become friends with. I promised Eddie I would clean up the brass kerosene lamp and show him it before we mounted it in the boat. It was so cool to get these things from Eddie and Dennis and others. We feel that these gracious gifts are now a part of our boat and our hearts will remember each person every time we use the item or look at it.
We went to storage and grabbed the teak floor boards and slatted seats for the cockpit as well as a bunch of other gear to mount to the boat. We ended up grabbing all the hardware for the deck, the teak and all the lifelines. We looked them over and discovered that there were no bases on the stanchions. We flipped through pictures and looked at the boat. Brett decided the stanchions had been embedded into the hull.
I resisted this theory as the lifelines would be too short. Dennis remembered stanchions with bases in his "magic" storage shed full of boat goodies. He, graciously again, offered us the stanchion bases for us to have. They were just the right type of base we needed! We looked up in West Marine catalog and found new bases to be $70 each. We needed 8 and couldn't believe that Dennis had what we needed. We gladly accepted them and Brett set to work at prying them off the old stanchions. We were able to mount the bases onto the deck using odd and end bolts and three different methods of embedding them into the hull.
The cables of the lifelines were in excellent condition. I am borrowing Tom and Dana's idea to spiff up the lifelines by wrapping white duct tape around the old cables. It gives them a clean, bright appearance and softens the feel of them. I didn't even know their lifelines were wrapped until they had told us.
While we were mounting everything, I struck up the conversation again about the paint for the boat. We thought for days and decided that white really is the best color for Benevolence. Her lines and her contrasting, striking wood colors would really be set off by white. And then Brett let me pick a color for the pinstripe and bootstripe that I couldn't believe. I decided the small stripes should be dark purple-Eggplant! NO ONE has purple on their boats. They don't even make the color for boats! I am going to mix navy with red to get the color for the stripes. Brett actually liked the idea! I even hinted to re-making the dodger, bimini and covers in the Eggplant color. He liked that too. Then I got carried away and mentioned purple fenders for the sides of the boats! LOL. He didn't say much about that.
So I think we're picking White with a dark purple stripe for the boat's color. I'm excited. They even make Sunbrella (marine, outdoor quality fabric) in Eggplant. She'll be really beautiful White. I didn't want to do white because it was so common but her lines really do beg the classic color. The Purple Heart wood rails will really "pop" with the white hull, too.
This weekend, we've been working on the mast and mounting the lifelines. Brett got the stern pulpit mounted and the port side of the lifelines mounted. I cleaned off the rest of the tape on one side of the mast.
Earlier, I had added up our finances and discovered that we could step the mast in about three weeks. This was helpful motivation for us to get done what we needed to. Today, I cleaned more tape off the mast and then we figured out what we needed to replace the rivets in the main halyard track of the mast. The external track was popping off! We counted and found we need to do about 200 new rivets. Brett's hand will get tired! ACE didn't have enough so we are ordering them online. After we get the track re-bedded, we can sand and paint the mast. It will be almost ready to put up after that. There was one piece of hardware that Brett needs to re-make. Someone had not used stainless steel for a "spreader tang" and it was all rusted. So he took it off and is re-fabricating it. Then Charl will weld it for us since it is stainless steel. We also have to get the chainplates drilled at a machine shop. We need 1 HUGE hole of 13/16" in each at the top and then Brett will drill 6, 1/2" holes in each one.
Today, Eddie came over and offered us his older Icom VHF radio which is extremely nice. The only thing he wanted for it was for Brett to install his new one!! Whoa! What a generous offer! Then he offered something even nicer. He has a multi-media computer that is much nicer than this one and is offering it to me if I give him this one so he can fix the monitor. He has a lot of computers and wants to share the nice one with me.... I can't believe it... I am trying it tomorrow to see if I like it.
Since Brett went up Tom and Dana's mast a few weeks ago, several times, he has had many of the marina people ask him to also go up their masts. He went up one briefly to run a line through a block and the boat-owner gave him a quart of his famous, Canadian maple syrup! Sweet! Someone else has asked him to go up their mast as well. We'll see how it goes. I think he is planning on doing it tomorrow. We are also helping Eddie get his new radar and VHF radio installed.
I had my writer's meeting last night. Didn't want to go but always glad I do. I just brought my last blog entry to it and it was a disaster. I don't write very well but I am determined to try. I meet with Sharon Ragle (a writer who sailed around the world), a very nice gal, Kalaya and Truda, my boss here at the park. I haven't worked on my book in awhile, been focusing on the boat more.
After the meeting, about 1030pm, Brett and I went outside so he could smoke a cigarette. He had been very upset with the day. On top of it, the electrical went out in most the camper last night. We were talking when we heard movement on one of the boats. I asked Brett what it was, and he said that our marina neighbor who was staying on his boat that night.
Now I don't think I have ever explained the guy next to us. He ownes a smaller boat next to us that Jose also owned in addition to our Wauquiez. Jose had lived on it and sold it to this guy before he left to England. (Long story). We met him and found out quickly that he was an alcoholic. Always was drunk. Only came to the boat for nights he was fighting with his wife (girlfriend?). We haven't had too much of a problem with him except he was throwing his cigarettes butts into the water and we complained to Dennis about it.
He quit doing that but we kept our distance from him. Well, last night, he decided to come out of the hatch half-way and... PEE! He peed from the hatch all over his boat and on the finger dock between us and him and on our lines. I asked Brett, "Is he peeing? Is he... peeing on OUR boat?!"The guy looked over at us in the dark and then slowly stumbled below deck. Brett took a flashlight and headed down to the finger looking at where the guy had been peed. Indeed, he went to the bathroom on our lines and it splashed onto our boat. Brett was furious and stomped up to Dennis' house at 11pm at night. Supposedly the guy had been warned before about peeing outside in public! So they told his wife that they had to leave by Sunday. We contemplated moving our boat last night after that crazy scene!
It's funny, Brett said, "Some people shower us with gifts and others shower us with pee." hee hee. Yikes!!!
But all in all, we are feeling so blessed by everything with the boat. This seems truly meant to be for us to be on this adventure.
Well I am sure there is a lot more to add but I've taken Benedryl for my allergies and am drugged up now, not able to type. LOL
I hope you are all doing well. Love you.
Enjoy our adventures with us!
Join us on our journey as we rebuild and prepare Benevolence for offshore cruising!
We have recently created a new website to share our adventure with you at www.benevolentwanderings.weebly.com Go to the LOGBOOK page to find our blog.
We have recently created a new website to share our adventure with you at www.benevolentwanderings.weebly.com Go to the LOGBOOK page to find our blog.
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Contrail is Home and Boats are Playing Pinball

Dana, Tom, David, Arthur and Oliver sailed their boat back to Palacios from Port Oconnor last week. They drove from Austin and picked us up so we could drive their van back to Palacios from Port OConnor. We had dinner with them at Los Cucos once again and drove to Port OConnor. It was after dark when we arrived. They unloaded their gear and we bid them farewell until they got back the next day to Palacios. We drove the van home with their utility trailer and on the way, the tailgate fell off the trailer while we were on the highway!! It was crazy! Luckily, no one was behind us. Brett found it and tied it to the trailer.
They arrived on the boat the next afternoon. The kids loved it, except David had gotten a little ill on the way. They unloaded the boat the next two days into the van. They asked us to watch their boat and to run the engine once in awhile and offered Contrail for us to use when we want. I will miss all of them greatly as they head toward Deleware soon. I consider them great friends and will miss them a lot.
The next day they had gotten back, one of the larger boats in the marina went out for the first time of the season. We watched from across the marina as he attempted to pull back into his slip with high winds pushing him. He attempted to make a wide turn to make the slip and stopped dead in his tracks while I was snapping a picture of him. It wa s a beautiful Hans Christianson type boat. His lifeline had caught on Bi Frst's anchor! It snapped the 45' LOA boat back into Tom and Dana's boat while they were out to dinner. There were about 6 people on deck of the Hans Christian boat and only one was trying to fend of the 50,000 lb boat with an aluminum pole. Fred hurried down to try and help the boat as she bounced of two other boats and was slipping past her slip into another boat. Brett ran over there and I stood staring. Brett barked orders as they tried to back her up and into the slip without hitting more boats. The owner of the boat was at the helm, steering while his passengers ran around on deck looking helpless.
They finally wrestled the boat back into the slip. We later found out he had ripped a stanchion out of the toe-rail on Bi-Frost's anchor. He had damaged Tom and Dana's propane base that Tom's dad had painstakingly built and had also ripped off their flag pole. The owner of the Hans Christian hurried to pay Tom for the damages.
Luckily the only damage seemed to be to Tom's boat and the Hans Christian. He was very elderly and was the only one on the boat that knew anything about sailing. But with Fred, Brett and D'na, they were able to get her back into the slip. I stupidly stood there across the marina just watching instead of jogging over to help. I felt stupid.
The guests of the large boat quickly fled the park and the poor old guy was left to clean up the mess of his beautiful boat by himself.
Well we are are going to go work on the boat today. We have outlined some tasks to do in order so Brett felt a little more structured on what needs to be done on the boat- He was feeling very overwhelmed at the projects so we wrote them out and came up with loose plans on what to do when. Last week we mounted the starboard side of the rub/toe-rails and rebedded the track. That was quite the process! I helped a lot last weekend. The Portside of the boat, the track and rails took him about a week with a little help from me. The starboard side took us two days together! We did end up with a problem with the tracks leaking, we had forgotten to push calking down into the drilled holes for the bolts on the forward track so they leaked a little. We will need to take the huge bolts out and do it again. Very frustrating and expensive. But we want t done right.
Today he is sanding the rub/toe-rail which are Purple Heart and prepping the cockpit to paint primer on it. Dennis (the park manager) had graciously given us 2 gallons of Epoxy Primer to help us and thank Brett for his help on his boat. It was about $200 in paint! So Brett wants to prime the cockpit today and sand the wood on the rails. I will begin varnishing them this afternoon. When we are both done, we'll probably head over to the boat yard where our mast sits and start prepping her for paint as well.
The boat yard has recently switched hands and it is not going to be good for us. We have about 2 months to remove the mast from the yard before they start possibly charging us $200 a month for storage.. We also found out that hauling out will no longer be $15/day. It will be $15/day for the first week (plus $300 to haul out) and then $50/day after that!!! We need to be hauled a for about a month or even two! So we are feeling very stuck on what we're going to do. We may just haul out for a week and attempt to replace the prop, strut for the shaft and some of the thru hull fittings. We may end up painting her after we leave to cruise and haul out somewhere cheaper... Very disheartening... We weren't planning on hauling out till around September but this boat yard is closing soon and moving to another location and open to only large ships.. I am trying not to feel discouraged, I am just trying to figure out what we can do...
Well I better quit writing so I can go start working on the boat.
Hope everyone is doing well.
(PS- I noticed a lot of spelling errors- this computer is not working very well and is lagging when I type- sorry.)
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Sorry I've not written

Wow, its been awhile. Brett got home safely. They ended up driving from Port OConnor and had left the boat there. We walked to PMR (Palacios Mexican Restaurant) and talked and talked and talked. He had the most amazing story.. I'll write more about it later.
We've been working hard on the boat. I've been down lately, my new computer's monitor is broken. Benny jumped on it and I had left the mouse in it so the screen munched to the mouse. I was devestated, we just bought the computer... But I can still see part of the screen which I am using right now...
Anyway, please go check out my pictures in my album of the newest progress of the boat. We rebedded the other side of the boat (the track) and attached the rest of the toe-rails. We also (Brett) got on the cap rail of the cockpit and the back part of the rub-rail. It looks awesome. We also put on the hand-rails and one of the Mahagony bases for the winches.
Hope everyone is doing well.
I'll write more when I can...
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Brett called! Such weird circumstances to follow...
I finally got to sleep earlier tonight at about 12am. The phone wakes me up and I barely answer it. It's Brett!! They must have made Florida! He asks me how I am doing and then slowly tells me that he is in Port Oconnor which is at the mouth of the channel here below Palacios. I am so tired and feel like I've been sleeping for hours and don't say anything. He asks me if I hear him. I go out side to sit on the steps in my jammies. "Huh?" I groggily try to pinpoint Port Oconnor from here. "I'm just try to figure out where Port Oconnor is" I sleeply say as I visualize the little town below Port Lavaca SOUTH WEST about 40 miles of us and no where near Florida.
He told me that those SE winds and N winds we just had actually blew them almost to Mexico! They couldn't beat up it- He said that Tom and Dana realized how long it would take and decided to head back here since their parents were waiting for them to get to Florida.
So TOm, Dana and Brett are in a motel room tonight?!.... In Port Oconnor. About 40 miles from here.... ummm. My brain is reeling right now. He said they are going to try and be back here tomorrow afternoon but they are having engine trouble so they may not be back tomorrow.
I don't even know what to think or how to think or what possibilities could be at play right now... This is about as unexpected as you can get. huh. There are always new dimensions of possibilities with sailing, I"ll tell you what!!
I will be so happy to have Brett home although many projects didn't get done that I wanted to work on after work. But I think he'll understand. And the camper will be nice and clean for him when he gets home. Tomorrow afternoon, I have a huge rally coming into the office and will be super busy.. I want to ask Linda to cover me tomorrow but don't have the heart to ask her...I guess we'll see what happens.
THis was an excellent experience for Brett with monohulls and the Gulf. I feel bad that they went backward but they gained a huge experience out of this. I hope Dana and Tom are not shyed away from sailing because of this setback. You know what? I don't know what to think. I have about a zillion thoughts in my head and its the middle of the night. I keep thinking I was dreaming.
I need to go back to bed... But that is the scoop, hot off the press! whew- Never a dull moment, I'll tell ya!
He told me that those SE winds and N winds we just had actually blew them almost to Mexico! They couldn't beat up it- He said that Tom and Dana realized how long it would take and decided to head back here since their parents were waiting for them to get to Florida.
So TOm, Dana and Brett are in a motel room tonight?!.... In Port Oconnor. About 40 miles from here.... ummm. My brain is reeling right now. He said they are going to try and be back here tomorrow afternoon but they are having engine trouble so they may not be back tomorrow.
I don't even know what to think or how to think or what possibilities could be at play right now... This is about as unexpected as you can get. huh. There are always new dimensions of possibilities with sailing, I"ll tell you what!!
I will be so happy to have Brett home although many projects didn't get done that I wanted to work on after work. But I think he'll understand. And the camper will be nice and clean for him when he gets home. Tomorrow afternoon, I have a huge rally coming into the office and will be super busy.. I want to ask Linda to cover me tomorrow but don't have the heart to ask her...I guess we'll see what happens.
THis was an excellent experience for Brett with monohulls and the Gulf. I feel bad that they went backward but they gained a huge experience out of this. I hope Dana and Tom are not shyed away from sailing because of this setback. You know what? I don't know what to think. I have about a zillion thoughts in my head and its the middle of the night. I keep thinking I was dreaming.
I need to go back to bed... But that is the scoop, hot off the press! whew- Never a dull moment, I'll tell ya!
Saturday, April 14, 2007
The day is almost over
Well I wrapped up work an hour later than normal. It was a terrible afternoon but in the end, I think everything went okay. Mrs. Carter brought me over a beautiful dinner of catfish and potatoes. It was awesome. I never thought I would like catfish but I am finding it to be one of my favorite fish! 2 years ago I wouldn't touch fish. Now I crave it.
I didn't have a great day and I started to tell myself that it was the worst since we got here. But it actually wasn't. I quickly remembered harder times earlier and told myself to knock of the depression quickly setting in. I told myself to remember that I didn't get much sleep last night or the last few nights.
Those who know me know that I tend to be negative. Tonight I was feeling pretty negative till I talked to myself about it. I need to keep in mind all the positve, great things that have happened to me in my life recently, not just bad.
Great things to remember:
I do feel blessed about working at the park, it is a very difficult job for me, I get stressed out at the mistakes I make but I also feel that I am doing okay at it and I end up meeting the nicest people!! I think if I would relax a little bit (a lot), I would be better at it. I like working with Truda, too. She and I seem to get along pretty well.
I always remind myself what a gift I have floating in the harbor, too. Benevolence will be such a grand boat when she is finished. I cannot wait to see what we do with her the next few years. Some of our plans will have her cruising and even maybe racing again? :)
I am doing fantastic at getting fit. I am not starving myself or even depriving myself, just moderating. I get a lot of physical activity around the park too which helps a lot. I am feeling really good about my progress.
The bills are getting paid and paid on time.
And the greatest thing: Brett seems to be much happier here with the boat. He has finally been able to be in his element. I have never seen him so happy. Through all the nasty crap in his past, he has fought-fought well and come out winning in the end. I am so proud of my husband and all that he has accomplished this last couple years.
Good night and sweet dreams. Think good thoughts.
I didn't have a great day and I started to tell myself that it was the worst since we got here. But it actually wasn't. I quickly remembered harder times earlier and told myself to knock of the depression quickly setting in. I told myself to remember that I didn't get much sleep last night or the last few nights.
Those who know me know that I tend to be negative. Tonight I was feeling pretty negative till I talked to myself about it. I need to keep in mind all the positve, great things that have happened to me in my life recently, not just bad.
Great things to remember:
I do feel blessed about working at the park, it is a very difficult job for me, I get stressed out at the mistakes I make but I also feel that I am doing okay at it and I end up meeting the nicest people!! I think if I would relax a little bit (a lot), I would be better at it. I like working with Truda, too. She and I seem to get along pretty well.
I always remind myself what a gift I have floating in the harbor, too. Benevolence will be such a grand boat when she is finished. I cannot wait to see what we do with her the next few years. Some of our plans will have her cruising and even maybe racing again? :)
I am doing fantastic at getting fit. I am not starving myself or even depriving myself, just moderating. I get a lot of physical activity around the park too which helps a lot. I am feeling really good about my progress.
The bills are getting paid and paid on time.
And the greatest thing: Brett seems to be much happier here with the boat. He has finally been able to be in his element. I have never seen him so happy. Through all the nasty crap in his past, he has fought-fought well and come out winning in the end. I am so proud of my husband and all that he has accomplished this last couple years.
Good night and sweet dreams. Think good thoughts.
No word and its a windy bugger

I didn't go to bed last night until 230am. Then I got up at 7am. Might be why I am tired. I got a lot done in the camper but now I have to go work from 3pm-6pm to cover Linda while she goes to Houston.
I noticed when it was raining that the front window by Brett's part of the bed was leaking again. When I pulled the sheet up to wash it, I noticed 4 of the little blankets along the wall were wet. I pulled up the mattress and found the corner by his pillow's head all wet! The mattress was moldy, too. I washed everything, even the down comforter. I struggled with the heavy mattress and put it down in the main part of the camper to air out so I could put the heater on the wood. It's very very wet and moldy. Ick. It will be good to get this dried out but I am not sure how to fix the window. Well. I know what I need to do- I need to pick out the old caulking and put in new silicone caulking. I haven't done a project like that by myself before so I am unsure if I should do it while Brett is away so he won't come home to a wet bed or if I should wait till he gets back...
I got the rest of the camper cleaned up. Much easier to breathe in here without the dust and cat hair everywhere. Almost everything on the camper list is done but I haven't really done anything on the boat list. I think I will work on it tomorrow after work. I want to at least get the boat cleaned up before Brett comes home. I want to get my wood samples stained too before Brett gets home and I would LOVE to get the mast done before he gets home. But mostly I just want him to get home.
I got some Advantage ordered for Benny. Whew. He'll feel so much better soon. The varnish didn't have water spots. But it did have dust on it. I have to do more coats so I'll just have to sand it off. The Mahagony has dust speckles too. I guess that is the best I can do when I am varnishing in the middle of a very dusty boat. :)
It's very very windy today. Now it is coming out of the North. I just pulled up my Marigolds and Allysum yesterday so I could plant Coleus (less bugs?) but I am not sure they'll make it. They are getting hammered by the wind...
Well I should go get ready for work. I count the days we can leave here and be on our way, free from obligations again. I just need to keep in mind the possible bonus at the end of summer and to pay off bills before we go sailing.
I'll write again soon.
I noticed when it was raining that the front window by Brett's part of the bed was leaking again. When I pulled the sheet up to wash it, I noticed 4 of the little blankets along the wall were wet. I pulled up the mattress and found the corner by his pillow's head all wet! The mattress was moldy, too. I washed everything, even the down comforter. I struggled with the heavy mattress and put it down in the main part of the camper to air out so I could put the heater on the wood. It's very very wet and moldy. Ick. It will be good to get this dried out but I am not sure how to fix the window. Well. I know what I need to do- I need to pick out the old caulking and put in new silicone caulking. I haven't done a project like that by myself before so I am unsure if I should do it while Brett is away so he won't come home to a wet bed or if I should wait till he gets back...
I got the rest of the camper cleaned up. Much easier to breathe in here without the dust and cat hair everywhere. Almost everything on the camper list is done but I haven't really done anything on the boat list. I think I will work on it tomorrow after work. I want to at least get the boat cleaned up before Brett comes home. I want to get my wood samples stained too before Brett gets home and I would LOVE to get the mast done before he gets home. But mostly I just want him to get home.
I got some Advantage ordered for Benny. Whew. He'll feel so much better soon. The varnish didn't have water spots. But it did have dust on it. I have to do more coats so I'll just have to sand it off. The Mahagony has dust speckles too. I guess that is the best I can do when I am varnishing in the middle of a very dusty boat. :)
It's very very windy today. Now it is coming out of the North. I just pulled up my Marigolds and Allysum yesterday so I could plant Coleus (less bugs?) but I am not sure they'll make it. They are getting hammered by the wind...
Well I should go get ready for work. I count the days we can leave here and be on our way, free from obligations again. I just need to keep in mind the possible bonus at the end of summer and to pay off bills before we go sailing.
I'll write again soon.
Haven't heard from them since Wednesday..

It is 130am on Saturday morning... I've not heard from them and the weather has been bad- Very windy and now it is pouring rain.
I got the hand-rails re-sanded and varnished today. I did some cleaning in the camper and I cleaned out the cab of the truck, too. Still didn't get much done. I got up after 9 and then poked around and had meals with the park employees all day. I did get some stuff done though that I had wanted to get done.
I forgot to latch one hatch and tighten up the opening ports. I think I got my varnished hand-rails more wet coming into the boat than they would have gotten wet from the windows. Ugh. I plugged in the electrical without thought to the wetness of it but it didn't have a problem. I put the shopvac inside too. Everything including me was already wet. I wiped down the hand-rails a little, they seem to be firm already, thank goodness but I am so worried about water spots...
I am not doing well tonight. Feeling weird about a lot of different things. I do know that if it wasn't for Brett, I would NOT live in a camper by myself. He makes things bearable even though the same things drive him nuts sometimes, too. I would definitely still do the boat thing but living in this camper with the animals and mess is driving me nuts sometimes.
I wanted to bike to the vet today and get Benny some flea medication but it was drizzly today and the vet was a LONG ride... Poor Benny, though. The fleas have started and it is driving him nuts and he is driving me nuts. I did just see an ad for Advantage Multi for Cats on tv tonight where it treats fleas, heartworms, round/tape worms and ticks! Once a month just like Advantage! I definitely want to try it but right now I just need to get SOMETHING right now.
I am able to get the internet up here in bed so I am typing while watching the weather channel. Not looking good for Brett, Tom and Dana... They must be EXHAUSTED.... I hope Dana isn't still seasick....
I got the hand-rails re-sanded and varnished today. I did some cleaning in the camper and I cleaned out the cab of the truck, too. Still didn't get much done. I got up after 9 and then poked around and had meals with the park employees all day. I did get some stuff done though that I had wanted to get done.
I forgot to latch one hatch and tighten up the opening ports. I think I got my varnished hand-rails more wet coming into the boat than they would have gotten wet from the windows. Ugh. I plugged in the electrical without thought to the wetness of it but it didn't have a problem. I put the shopvac inside too. Everything including me was already wet. I wiped down the hand-rails a little, they seem to be firm already, thank goodness but I am so worried about water spots...
I am not doing well tonight. Feeling weird about a lot of different things. I do know that if it wasn't for Brett, I would NOT live in a camper by myself. He makes things bearable even though the same things drive him nuts sometimes, too. I would definitely still do the boat thing but living in this camper with the animals and mess is driving me nuts sometimes.
I wanted to bike to the vet today and get Benny some flea medication but it was drizzly today and the vet was a LONG ride... Poor Benny, though. The fleas have started and it is driving him nuts and he is driving me nuts. I did just see an ad for Advantage Multi for Cats on tv tonight where it treats fleas, heartworms, round/tape worms and ticks! Once a month just like Advantage! I definitely want to try it but right now I just need to get SOMETHING right now.
I am able to get the internet up here in bed so I am typing while watching the weather channel. Not looking good for Brett, Tom and Dana... They must be EXHAUSTED.... I hope Dana isn't still seasick....
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
I heard from the boat tonight!

I got home today and had a voicemail on my phone. I was set up to redo my message to say , "If you are a solicitor, you are costing me money, not saving money. Do not call again" because I thought it was yet another new solicitor on my voicemail. Apparantly my TX sales tax permit opened the door to solicitors. ugh.
Anyway, it was Brett! He had called at 4pm to let me know that they could call and that they were in dead calm right now. Dana was sick and he wasn't feeling good himself. They had covered about 115 miles the night before.
I called back the number he called from (Tom's cell) and at first it wouldn't go through and then I heard Tom pick up the phone. He heard me say, "Tom?" and he said, "Here's Brett". Brett told me that last night they had to double reef the main and roll up the jib because of the wind. Even with a double-reefed main, they made 6 1/2 knots!! That is a lot in a loaded down mononhull! Then today, they lost the wind and are now bobbing around the washing machine of Gulf Of Mexico.
I have NEVER heard Brett sound quite so sickly about sailing. He said they were doing fine but were all feeling exhausted. I told him he still had a LONG way to go!
He went to go eat dinner and rest up before the next bout of wind hit them. I let him know that a cold front with winds and seas were coming in about 3 days. He appreciated the forcast. He said he would call me again when he could. It seems the oil rigs have towers on them!! Wow! I have been telling people ALL day that I wouldn't hear from him till Florida because cell phones wouldn't reach that far. So I can't wait to tell everyone.
I ran to Linda and Fred's trailer and told them. Then I ran out to see Rod and see where he has been and then I went back to Linda and Fred's trailer. Then I saw Dennis driving around so I stopped him and let him know about Brett.
I had been trying to take the dinghy out now for about an hour for my first row in weeks. I finally broke away and jogged to the dinghy. As I got closer, I saw it full of water! I grumbled as I emptied it out with our little bucket. I had just enough light to make a half hour row! It was a perfect night for it, warm and clear and very calm. The dinghy sat very low in the water but I went anyway. The dinghy has a crack all the way around the centerboard casing in the liner so water gets into that crack and then water-logs the whole inside of the boat between the hull and liner. We need to someday cut out the bottom of liner and drain/dry the poor thing and then re-glass the bottom (that would be Brett- not "we")
Anyway, I started rowing and came across our old friend, Bill. I talked to him about 10 minutes and ended up rowing about 20 min. I noticed the water had gotten a little more into the boat since I'd left. I tied up the boat and went to shut up our big boat that I had opened up earlier. Then I went to the camper and walked Benny around outside for a little bit. I ate dinner and walked down to the dinghy withy a smidgen of light left. MORE water. It looks to either have a leak or the water inbetween the hull and liner has seeped out. We'll see tomorrow... I am going to have someone help me drag it out of the water I guess and drag it up to the camper to dry. New project while Brett is gone.
What a gorgeous night though... I was being eaten by bugs but it was so beautiful and calm and warm. I called Mom and talked to her for a little bit.
I am SO happy to have heard from Brett. Really made my day. I know he knows what he is doing but with a boat he hasn't been on before, the first day is always the toughest. So now that I hear they are dong okay, I feel better.
I have a TON of projects to do tomorrow, I am excited. I am staying on track with my eating too, today, which is really important to me while Brett is gone. I usually would pig out on bad stuff but I am determined to pig out on fruits/veggies instead.
I'm going to go finish the day watching tv (Something I RARELY do anymore).
Good night.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Brett has left the building

Tom, Dana and Brett departed today at 1130am. Very light winds, a little fog and a lot of sunshine. Very warm today, too. Couldn't have been better weather (maybe a little more wind). They came into the office where I was working and said good-bye and left a bottle of wine for Dennis and Truda. Then Linda came over and let me see them off. I and Barb Arthur and Ed, Mrs. Carter and Dennis saw them off. Charl wasn't there... D'na, the Woods, Sonja and others were waving at the end of the center dock and the point near the Bayhouse. There are so many lovely people here at the park.
Eddie Sacco took Doug Tyson with him and they followed Contrail (tom and dana's boat) out in his own sailboat. Too light of winds, so they were both motoring down the channel.
I wish I could have gone with them....
Their boat, the Contrail, looked so loaded down. She looked good though. Everyone did an EXCELLENT job preparing her for this voyage. Charl graciously offered his liferaft and EPIRB for them to borrow to Florida. We lent them our radar and sewing machine to put a reef in the main sail. I am so excited for them. You can see more pictures in My Photo Album link under My Favorites.
Linda and Jo pulled me into the soup lunch in the Rally Hall and I had some great soup and bread with butter with some great people at the park. They will take care of me while Brett is gone.
I'll try to write more tonight after work.
Monday, April 9, 2007

My great-grandmother passed away yesterday, on Easter.... I somehow knew she would pick Easter day when I heard she wasn't doing well... I am very sad I cannot be with my family right now.
Brett is leaving today to take the sailboat to Florida and I work a 12 hour day in the office.
I don't know how I am feeling yet, its so early right now.
I'll write more tonight.
Saturday, April 7, 2007
Sailing to Florida DELAYED
We got up this morning to news about weather turning bad here today- Gale force winds, high seas and a lot of cold rain. Tom, Dana and Brett decided to wait until tomorrow or Monday before departing on their 7 day sail to Florida. I am a little bummed- I was hoping they would leave today because this is my last day off. Hopefully someone will cover me so I can bid them farewell tomorrow or Monday... It's so cold and rainy out there right now... I'm trying to get laundry done and all of Brett's things together for the trip. I am having to go to the store (walking or biking) but don't want to in this nasty icky weather.
Yesterday I hung out with them as they stocked the boat and installed more items. I helped watch their youngest boy, Oliver, while Dana tried to put things away inside the boat. They took us to dinner with their parents at Los Cucos last night. Good food as always. Oliver was zonked and Arthur and David were itching to go home. It was a pretty good day. So beautiful a day compared to this morning. What a difference.
I hope it isn't raining at home in Oregon, my aunt, uncle, mom and stepdad are all trying to work on my aunt and uncle's new pump house and carport today.
I guess I will work on cleaning the camper today. I have been feeling very lathargic today and yesterday, I think because of Great Grandma not doing well, money and Brett leaving. It's also the anniversery of my brother's death today. I thought it was Monday but I just looked at the calender and it is today... Too much today.... I will try to do things that I like to do today.
Yesterday I hung out with them as they stocked the boat and installed more items. I helped watch their youngest boy, Oliver, while Dana tried to put things away inside the boat. They took us to dinner with their parents at Los Cucos last night. Good food as always. Oliver was zonked and Arthur and David were itching to go home. It was a pretty good day. So beautiful a day compared to this morning. What a difference.
I hope it isn't raining at home in Oregon, my aunt, uncle, mom and stepdad are all trying to work on my aunt and uncle's new pump house and carport today.
I guess I will work on cleaning the camper today. I have been feeling very lathargic today and yesterday, I think because of Great Grandma not doing well, money and Brett leaving. It's also the anniversery of my brother's death today. I thought it was Monday but I just looked at the calender and it is today... Too much today.... I will try to do things that I like to do today.
Friday, April 6, 2007
Bugs and Flowers and Sailing to Florida

We discovered very weird bugs here the last few days!! On our MARIGOLDS of all flowers! These really weird, wormy things collect the petals from the allysum and marigolds and then adhere them to their back so they are camoflauge!! weird! I was hoping my aunt could tell me what they are. Never seen them before! We also saw a really weird moth over at the bank the other day on a palm tree. It was about 4 inches long and was white with black streaking all over it. VERY odd. The picture above was the closest I could find, called a Leopardskin Moth. Our moth actually was more of connected black lines rather than dots. 

The flowers and the bugs are so different here than in Oregon! I might pick up a flower journal I saw over at the dollar store and collect some specimens to show Debra. They are so different! Indian Paintbrush is abundant along the roads here- But it is lighter color and bigger than Oregon's Indian Paintbrush. Little pink flowers are ALL OVER! I can't really find good pictures on the internet. But they are so pretty and so different!
Brett leaves in a couple days to help sail a boat to Florida. I am not scared or nervous for him, he is an avid sailor but I have not been away from him that long before so I am more nervous about that. I love his company and he takes care of me. I wish so much I could go with them but I have no one to cover me in the office and no one to take care of the animals... Very bummed about this... But I guess we do the best we can do...
I have stacked up some projects for me to do on our boat while he is gone so I am preoccupied and staying active. I think I will try to work on my book, too. Find things I can work on in the evenings such as my book and my scrapbooking. And jewelry.
I am so happy for him that he gets to do this, nothing makes him happier than sailing. It will be an excellent learning experience for Tom and Dana who own the boat and even for Brett as he is more used to multi-hulls than monohulls. I wish I could go for the experience too but I will have lots of practice soon enough on our own boat. I will miss Tom and Dana. I really enjoy their friendship. They, and their kids, are the nicest people.
I have been watching Jack (the bird) this morning a lot. He ACTUALLY was picking at a piece of lettuce I left in his cage. He almost died at Christmas. At 23, he shouldn't have survived his illness. But he is actually doing better than he was at home. He is chirping again, bathing which he hasn't done in a long time, eating veggies (he almost NEVER does that) and gaining weight again. He always amazes me with his resiliance. I cannot believe he survived this winter.

Benny, the cat, is doing good. He is shedding right now, so the hair situation is double-worse in the camper. We take him out on his harness/leash a lot and he loves that until someone closes their RV door. Then he scrambles to the screen and claws it open to get back inside. He is still very timid outside. That's a good thing though. His favorite spot has become the bed right where you get up into it or laying in front of the screen door. He is so big that he takes up half the camper no matter where he is. If I can't see him, I look for him. And there he is. Sprawled out in the opening of the bed above me. He sleeps a lot now. He loves his paper though!
I am worried about my family lately. A lot of them are in poor health and I haven't heard from a lot of them either lately... I pray everyone is doing okay and just trying to ride out the cold weather to summer...
I have stocked up some projects to work on the boat while Brett is gone. I am hoping to try and stain the bulkheads so they don't rot and I am hoping to finish varnishing the hand-rails and wood trim underneath the winches in the cockpit. I have 7 coats of Ephines varnish on it and am putting another one on. Brett is concerned about my sanding of the woods, he does not think I am sanding them well enough. I hope I can do better today so I have these projects to work on before he leaves, possibly tomorrow. I am working on preparing the mast, too, so we can step it back onto the boat! There is very old tape stuck to the mast every few feet that needs razored off. It is a big project and should take a bit of time. He wants me to use the dremol on the engine, too, to peel off the old paint and spray it with new paint. I might wait on this, though, till he is home.
I am hoping to do a bit of cleaning as well to the boat. The outside desperately needs a bath!! So filthy!
I have stacked up some projects for me to do on our boat while he is gone so I am preoccupied and staying active. I think I will try to work on my book, too. Find things I can work on in the evenings such as my book and my scrapbooking. And jewelry.
I am so happy for him that he gets to do this, nothing makes him happier than sailing. It will be an excellent learning experience for Tom and Dana who own the boat and even for Brett as he is more used to multi-hulls than monohulls. I wish I could go for the experience too but I will have lots of practice soon enough on our own boat. I will miss Tom and Dana. I really enjoy their friendship. They, and their kids, are the nicest people.
I have been watching Jack (the bird) this morning a lot. He ACTUALLY was picking at a piece of lettuce I left in his cage. He almost died at Christmas. At 23, he shouldn't have survived his illness. But he is actually doing better than he was at home. He is chirping again, bathing which he hasn't done in a long time, eating veggies (he almost NEVER does that) and gaining weight again. He always amazes me with his resiliance. I cannot believe he survived this winter.

Benny, the cat, is doing good. He is shedding right now, so the hair situation is double-worse in the camper. We take him out on his harness/leash a lot and he loves that until someone closes their RV door. Then he scrambles to the screen and claws it open to get back inside. He is still very timid outside. That's a good thing though. His favorite spot has become the bed right where you get up into it or laying in front of the screen door. He is so big that he takes up half the camper no matter where he is. If I can't see him, I look for him. And there he is. Sprawled out in the opening of the bed above me. He sleeps a lot now. He loves his paper though!
I am worried about my family lately. A lot of them are in poor health and I haven't heard from a lot of them either lately... I pray everyone is doing okay and just trying to ride out the cold weather to summer...
I have stocked up some projects to work on the boat while Brett is gone. I am hoping to try and stain the bulkheads so they don't rot and I am hoping to finish varnishing the hand-rails and wood trim underneath the winches in the cockpit. I have 7 coats of Ephines varnish on it and am putting another one on. Brett is concerned about my sanding of the woods, he does not think I am sanding them well enough. I hope I can do better today so I have these projects to work on before he leaves, possibly tomorrow. I am working on preparing the mast, too, so we can step it back onto the boat! There is very old tape stuck to the mast every few feet that needs razored off. It is a big project and should take a bit of time. He wants me to use the dremol on the engine, too, to peel off the old paint and spray it with new paint. I might wait on this, though, till he is home.
I am hoping to do a bit of cleaning as well to the boat. The outside desperately needs a bath!! So filthy!
Well I need to go get started on things. I'll write again, soon!
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
Coast Guard Documentation First Steps

We haven't worked on the boat for days, we've both been working hard for others. But we have decided our next big task will be to get the mast raised back onto the boat. Brett is rebuilding the chainplates and I am prepping the mast for new paint. It costs a lot to have a crane lift the mast onto the boat so we are saving up.
The mast is the heart of the boat so it is very exciting to see it coming so close to being put back on the boat. I believe the boat has been mastless for years. She is coming back to life though. :)
I'll try to write when I have more about exactly what we have done. it's been a while now and so its a long story and I haven't had time to write. Soon, though.
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