We discovered very weird bugs here the last few days!! On our MARIGOLDS of all flowers! These really weird, wormy things collect the petals from the allysum and marigolds and then adhere them to their back so they are camoflauge!! weird! I was hoping my aunt could tell me what they are. Never seen them before! We also saw a really weird moth over at the bank the other day on a palm tree. It was about 4 inches long and was white with black streaking all over it. VERY odd. The picture above was the closest I could find, called a Leopardskin Moth. Our moth actually was more of connected black lines rather than dots. 

The flowers and the bugs are so different here than in Oregon! I might pick up a flower journal I saw over at the dollar store and collect some specimens to show Debra. They are so different! Indian Paintbrush is abundant along the roads here- But it is lighter color and bigger than Oregon's Indian Paintbrush. Little pink flowers are ALL OVER! I can't really find good pictures on the internet. But they are so pretty and so different!
Brett leaves in a couple days to help sail a boat to Florida. I am not scared or nervous for him, he is an avid sailor but I have not been away from him that long before so I am more nervous about that. I love his company and he takes care of me. I wish so much I could go with them but I have no one to cover me in the office and no one to take care of the animals... Very bummed about this... But I guess we do the best we can do...
I have stacked up some projects for me to do on our boat while he is gone so I am preoccupied and staying active. I think I will try to work on my book, too. Find things I can work on in the evenings such as my book and my scrapbooking. And jewelry.
I am so happy for him that he gets to do this, nothing makes him happier than sailing. It will be an excellent learning experience for Tom and Dana who own the boat and even for Brett as he is more used to multi-hulls than monohulls. I wish I could go for the experience too but I will have lots of practice soon enough on our own boat. I will miss Tom and Dana. I really enjoy their friendship. They, and their kids, are the nicest people.
I have been watching Jack (the bird) this morning a lot. He ACTUALLY was picking at a piece of lettuce I left in his cage. He almost died at Christmas. At 23, he shouldn't have survived his illness. But he is actually doing better than he was at home. He is chirping again, bathing which he hasn't done in a long time, eating veggies (he almost NEVER does that) and gaining weight again. He always amazes me with his resiliance. I cannot believe he survived this winter.

Benny, the cat, is doing good. He is shedding right now, so the hair situation is double-worse in the camper. We take him out on his harness/leash a lot and he loves that until someone closes their RV door. Then he scrambles to the screen and claws it open to get back inside. He is still very timid outside. That's a good thing though. His favorite spot has become the bed right where you get up into it or laying in front of the screen door. He is so big that he takes up half the camper no matter where he is. If I can't see him, I look for him. And there he is. Sprawled out in the opening of the bed above me. He sleeps a lot now. He loves his paper though!
I am worried about my family lately. A lot of them are in poor health and I haven't heard from a lot of them either lately... I pray everyone is doing okay and just trying to ride out the cold weather to summer...
I have stocked up some projects to work on the boat while Brett is gone. I am hoping to try and stain the bulkheads so they don't rot and I am hoping to finish varnishing the hand-rails and wood trim underneath the winches in the cockpit. I have 7 coats of Ephines varnish on it and am putting another one on. Brett is concerned about my sanding of the woods, he does not think I am sanding them well enough. I hope I can do better today so I have these projects to work on before he leaves, possibly tomorrow. I am working on preparing the mast, too, so we can step it back onto the boat! There is very old tape stuck to the mast every few feet that needs razored off. It is a big project and should take a bit of time. He wants me to use the dremol on the engine, too, to peel off the old paint and spray it with new paint. I might wait on this, though, till he is home.
I am hoping to do a bit of cleaning as well to the boat. The outside desperately needs a bath!! So filthy!
I have stacked up some projects for me to do on our boat while he is gone so I am preoccupied and staying active. I think I will try to work on my book, too. Find things I can work on in the evenings such as my book and my scrapbooking. And jewelry.
I am so happy for him that he gets to do this, nothing makes him happier than sailing. It will be an excellent learning experience for Tom and Dana who own the boat and even for Brett as he is more used to multi-hulls than monohulls. I wish I could go for the experience too but I will have lots of practice soon enough on our own boat. I will miss Tom and Dana. I really enjoy their friendship. They, and their kids, are the nicest people.
I have been watching Jack (the bird) this morning a lot. He ACTUALLY was picking at a piece of lettuce I left in his cage. He almost died at Christmas. At 23, he shouldn't have survived his illness. But he is actually doing better than he was at home. He is chirping again, bathing which he hasn't done in a long time, eating veggies (he almost NEVER does that) and gaining weight again. He always amazes me with his resiliance. I cannot believe he survived this winter.

Benny, the cat, is doing good. He is shedding right now, so the hair situation is double-worse in the camper. We take him out on his harness/leash a lot and he loves that until someone closes their RV door. Then he scrambles to the screen and claws it open to get back inside. He is still very timid outside. That's a good thing though. His favorite spot has become the bed right where you get up into it or laying in front of the screen door. He is so big that he takes up half the camper no matter where he is. If I can't see him, I look for him. And there he is. Sprawled out in the opening of the bed above me. He sleeps a lot now. He loves his paper though!
I am worried about my family lately. A lot of them are in poor health and I haven't heard from a lot of them either lately... I pray everyone is doing okay and just trying to ride out the cold weather to summer...
I have stocked up some projects to work on the boat while Brett is gone. I am hoping to try and stain the bulkheads so they don't rot and I am hoping to finish varnishing the hand-rails and wood trim underneath the winches in the cockpit. I have 7 coats of Ephines varnish on it and am putting another one on. Brett is concerned about my sanding of the woods, he does not think I am sanding them well enough. I hope I can do better today so I have these projects to work on before he leaves, possibly tomorrow. I am working on preparing the mast, too, so we can step it back onto the boat! There is very old tape stuck to the mast every few feet that needs razored off. It is a big project and should take a bit of time. He wants me to use the dremol on the engine, too, to peel off the old paint and spray it with new paint. I might wait on this, though, till he is home.
I am hoping to do a bit of cleaning as well to the boat. The outside desperately needs a bath!! So filthy!
Well I need to go get started on things. I'll write again, soon!
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