Tom, Dana and Brett departed today at 1130am. Very light winds, a little fog and a lot of sunshine. Very warm today, too. Couldn't have been better weather (maybe a little more wind). They came into the office where I was working and said good-bye and left a bottle of wine for Dennis and Truda. Then Linda came over and let me see them off. I and Barb Arthur and Ed, Mrs. Carter and Dennis saw them off. Charl wasn't there... D'na, the Woods, Sonja and others were waving at the end of the center dock and the point near the Bayhouse. There are so many lovely people here at the park.
Eddie Sacco took Doug Tyson with him and they followed Contrail (tom and dana's boat) out in his own sailboat. Too light of winds, so they were both motoring down the channel.
I wish I could have gone with them....
Their boat, the Contrail, looked so loaded down. She looked good though. Everyone did an EXCELLENT job preparing her for this voyage. Charl graciously offered his liferaft and EPIRB for them to borrow to Florida. We lent them our radar and sewing machine to put a reef in the main sail. I am so excited for them. You can see more pictures in My Photo Album link under My Favorites.
Linda and Jo pulled me into the soup lunch in the Rally Hall and I had some great soup and bread with butter with some great people at the park. They will take care of me while Brett is gone.
I'll try to write more tonight after work.
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