I got home today and had a voicemail on my phone. I was set up to redo my message to say , "If you are a solicitor, you are costing me money, not saving money. Do not call again" because I thought it was yet another new solicitor on my voicemail. Apparantly my TX sales tax permit opened the door to solicitors. ugh.
Anyway, it was Brett! He had called at 4pm to let me know that they could call and that they were in dead calm right now. Dana was sick and he wasn't feeling good himself. They had covered about 115 miles the night before.
I called back the number he called from (Tom's cell) and at first it wouldn't go through and then I heard Tom pick up the phone. He heard me say, "Tom?" and he said, "Here's Brett". Brett told me that last night they had to double reef the main and roll up the jib because of the wind. Even with a double-reefed main, they made 6 1/2 knots!! That is a lot in a loaded down mononhull! Then today, they lost the wind and are now bobbing around the washing machine of Gulf Of Mexico.
I have NEVER heard Brett sound quite so sickly about sailing. He said they were doing fine but were all feeling exhausted. I told him he still had a LONG way to go!
He went to go eat dinner and rest up before the next bout of wind hit them. I let him know that a cold front with winds and seas were coming in about 3 days. He appreciated the forcast. He said he would call me again when he could. It seems the oil rigs have towers on them!! Wow! I have been telling people ALL day that I wouldn't hear from him till Florida because cell phones wouldn't reach that far. So I can't wait to tell everyone.
I ran to Linda and Fred's trailer and told them. Then I ran out to see Rod and see where he has been and then I went back to Linda and Fred's trailer. Then I saw Dennis driving around so I stopped him and let him know about Brett.
I had been trying to take the dinghy out now for about an hour for my first row in weeks. I finally broke away and jogged to the dinghy. As I got closer, I saw it full of water! I grumbled as I emptied it out with our little bucket. I had just enough light to make a half hour row! It was a perfect night for it, warm and clear and very calm. The dinghy sat very low in the water but I went anyway. The dinghy has a crack all the way around the centerboard casing in the liner so water gets into that crack and then water-logs the whole inside of the boat between the hull and liner. We need to someday cut out the bottom of liner and drain/dry the poor thing and then re-glass the bottom (that would be Brett- not "we")
Anyway, I started rowing and came across our old friend, Bill. I talked to him about 10 minutes and ended up rowing about 20 min. I noticed the water had gotten a little more into the boat since I'd left. I tied up the boat and went to shut up our big boat that I had opened up earlier. Then I went to the camper and walked Benny around outside for a little bit. I ate dinner and walked down to the dinghy withy a smidgen of light left. MORE water. It looks to either have a leak or the water inbetween the hull and liner has seeped out. We'll see tomorrow... I am going to have someone help me drag it out of the water I guess and drag it up to the camper to dry. New project while Brett is gone.
What a gorgeous night though... I was being eaten by bugs but it was so beautiful and calm and warm. I called Mom and talked to her for a little bit.
I am SO happy to have heard from Brett. Really made my day. I know he knows what he is doing but with a boat he hasn't been on before, the first day is always the toughest. So now that I hear they are dong okay, I feel better.
I have a TON of projects to do tomorrow, I am excited. I am staying on track with my eating too, today, which is really important to me while Brett is gone. I usually would pig out on bad stuff but I am determined to pig out on fruits/veggies instead.
I'm going to go finish the day watching tv (Something I RARELY do anymore).
Good night.
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